The Heap Sort Algorithm Explained
The Heap
A heap is a specialized binary tree data structure that satisfies the heap property. In a heap, each node has at most two children, and the key (the value) of each node is greater than or equal to (in a max heap) or less than or equal to (in a min heap) the keys of its children. The binary tree representation of a heap is a complete binary tree, meaning that all levels of the tree are completely filled except possibly for the last level, which is filled from left to right.
Modern C++ 学习笔记 -- 左值与右值
利用GitHub Actions实现版本自动构建与发布流程
GitHub Actions 是 GitHub 自家推出的持续集成和持续交付工作流服务。自从上次利用GitHub Actions实现Blog自动部署与发布过后,构建和发布blog从此变得轻松。这次,我打算充分利用 GitHub Actions, 把开源项目的持续构建和发布流程做成完全自动化。
最近由于Cloudflare受到一些”干扰”,有网友提醒我的blog在国内有打不开的情况。不幸的是我的Blog + CDN都是托管给Cloudflare的,被无辜”殃及”了。再加上最近比较忙,blog也荒芜了快一年没打理,正好这个周末的晚上可以来折腾一下。
都659天了,稳啊! 好吧,就它了!接下来又是一波骚操作,从德国Contabo的主机rsync直接拷贝所有静态页面过来,速度还挺快。之前用的Nginx,这次打算再次换成Caddy Server,毕竟Caddy都出第二个版本了,自动更新SSL证书是比较能吸引我的地方。去官网研究了一下文档,还是决定用Docker来跑Caddy2,方便!